Thursday 23 September 2010

Just keep swimming

It's been two years. How did I manage to forget that? These things keep seeming to pass me by this year, and I don't really know why. Is it because none of them are 'firsts' anymore? I've been through one, so the second time just doesn't seem so hard? I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm here. It's so completely new and exciting, and there are so many other things I need to be doing that the horrible things just don't take precedence in my mind.

I feel better this week, at least. My epic cold is pretty much gone, I'm just waiting on the throat stopping itching and I'll be all good again. Finally stopped sniffing through classes, and they're actually really interesting. Playwriting today was pretty brilliant, even if I'm not sure how much of the homework I can actually do... We had to write a scene (which was easy) but now we have to 'cut' it. Basically I need to go through and remove any unnecessary directors notes/stage directions/words of speech. It's already seriously minimalist, and it doesn't have any stage directions. The only thing other than dialogue are the characters names and ages, and we had to put those in... I think there are maybe a couple of words I could possibly remove, but literally all of it is needed. It wouldn't make sense without them...

But I'll deal with that later. There's not much I can do about removing what isn't there. The class exercise was good. We had to write a scene about 'painting the shed' until the end of class. I write quickly. I ended up with a sore hand and seven pages of dialogue. The prof took them in at the end to read over - I did warn him that he might not be able to read it, because I haven't done lots of hand writing in months and I tend to start missing letters when I write quickly... Ah well, I warned him. It should be pretty legible, hopefully. If he can read it I'll be happy. There were all sorts of dips and rises in the speech though, because I kept getting to the end of one rise and there was still ages til the end of class, so I had to keep writing. I'm actually kind of proud of it... I love writing.

I finally managed to get to the store to buy snack food for my room. That's one of the problems with the meal plan; you can't get anything to eat at random times of the night if you get the munchies. Plus it's a bit of a trek to get there, so I tend to leave it until I really need to eat until I go, unless someone else is around and going. I keep spending two or three hours in there in the evenings, because we go to eat, and then end up sitting and talking for an extra couple of hours before we eventually decide we should probably move. It's pretty fun doing it, and sometimes the food is really good. Other times it's a bit iffy, but it's generally edible, at least. So now I have food in my room for those midnight munchies. And yes, I have actually managed to stay up til past midnight a couple of times this week! Still been waking up at like 6am or 7am, but it's a slightly more normal sleeping pattern.

I feel like I've done loads in the past week. I don't think it's actually been that much, but I also feel like I've been here forever and it's barely been three weeks. I sang on my own the other night. A couple of us were hanging around in my room singing showtunes before one of them had to go to rehersals, and I ended up singing a solo (because he didn't know the girl's part of the duet and I did) It was surprisingly OK, given how bad my nose and throat were at that point. I can sing when ill! Yay me! I don't know if it's more surprising that I can, or that I did so alone and in front of other people...

I managed to work out how to charge my ID card so I can use it to do laundry now, and I know how to get print credits! Progress has been made! I left laundry right to the last minute this week. I'd been planning to do it all day, but what with one thing and another it ended up being about 7.30pm when I suddenly thought 'Laundry!' and actually made a move to do it. I had run out of clean socks, so I couldn't really leave it until the next day. Plus doing it in the evening means nobody else is using the machines so I could use the washer that only charges 50 cents a load (who knows why, but I'm not complaining!) It does make a wonderful change doing laundry that's actually warm and dry when it comes out of the dryer! After a year of using a combination washer that didn't dry anything, ever, and a summer of forgetting the stuff in the dryer until it was cold, it makes a nice change. I love sorting warm laundry. I did manage to get myself trapped sitting crosslegged on the bed though, because I loaded my legs down with sorted underwear and socks and couldn't move...

I watched Finding Nemo last night (hence the post title) in a bout of childish nostalgia (ish). I was already a teenager when it came out, but the sentiment is the same. I might watch Robin Hood tonight, or maybe something a bit more grown up... Nothing that involves songs I'll want to sing though, the itch in my throat makes singing kind of impossible right now. At least good singing, anyway. Bad singing is a different matter entirely, I suspect. I might do some more writing, too. I'm in a creative mood. I probably shouldn't be listening to my 'musicals' playlist if I don't want to sing...

Let's go find something productive to do with the rest of my evening! (That doesn't involve going out, I may already be in my PJs...)

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