Tuesday 31 August 2010

The art of procrastination

So I should be packing, or at least sorting clothes to take with me. Currently I'm on the sofa drinking coffee and eating leftover macaroni cheese.

I hate packing. I really do. I don't want to have to sort through everything and decide what clothes I'm taking with me. It's doable when I'm just going away for a couple of weeks; but this is eight months. How do you know ahead of time what you're going to want to wear for three quarters of a year? I don't know what I'm going to wear that day until I'm actually getting dressed.

I think this is another form of procrastination. I have finished the pasta, and the coffee is nearly gone. There's not even anything good on TV to watch. Instead of going and making a start on the decision-making process, I am updating my blog with a pointless post about putting things off.

I have made a start, honest. I sorted DVDs the other day. That's progress, right?

I think I've calmed down a bit today. I've spent the past week bouncing and giggling like mad because I'm so excited. I haven't reached the point of being scared out of my mind yet, but I just can't believe it's actually happening! I'm going to Canada! In two days! This time on Thursday I'll be on my way!

Oh dear, I'm using exclamation marks; that's never a good thing...

I should really move and make a start... Any minute now...

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